Imports of ground pepper to the UK accounted for a high proportion

Vietnam Pepper (

In 2017, imports of pepper into the UK fell 9% to 14,300 tonnes (including 7,450 tonnes whole grain and 6,850 tonnes of groundnuts) compared to 12,900 tonnes (4,550 tonnes whole and 8,350 tonnes of ground pepper) by 2016. whole pepper was up 39% while pepper was down 23%.
In the first half of 2018, total imports to the United Kingdom reached 6,000 tonnes, down 5% from the same period last year (6,300 tonnes).

Vietnam and the Netherlands are the two major suppliers to the UK market, accounting for over 50% of total UK imports. Total pepper in the first 6 months fell by 14% while pepper imports increased by 1%. Currently, British imports of ground pepper account for over 70% of pepper imports.